Adoptable Mix Kelly is 11 years old and weighs 15 pounds. She gets along great with other dogs. It’s unknown…
Adoptable dachshund Charley is a loyal senior companion. He was well loved by his previous family and current fosters (Charley…
Adoptable Dachshund Sven is celebrating his birthday this week! At just three years old, this boy is playful and has…
Adoptable mix, Missy, is ten years old and twenty-two pounds. Although almost blind, her foster mom says she adjusted within…
Adoptable dachshunds Clifford and Eloise are brother and sister but they would do well if they were adopted together or…
Adoptable dachshund Angel totally lives up to her name! At 8 years old, and 16 pounds, she is in good…
Adoptable mix Penny is 12 years old and weighs 18 pounds. She doesn’t care much about other dogs, one way…
Adoptable Dachshund Mix Izzy – 10 year old, Chiweenie, Izzy is queen of the cuddle bugs! She would love to…
Adoptable Dachshund Barnie is the sweetest! He wants to sit on my lap every chance he gets. Barnie doesn’t meet…
Pablo is one of sweetest dogs. He is so happy and dances on his hind legs with excitement when he…