Low Rider Auction Instructions – Please be sure to review the information for our Bi-monthly Facebook Auctions! This is a vital part of our ongoing fundraising efforts which help to give us the ability to rescue dachshunds and mixes. Thank you for your support!
Because of your generosity, dogs like Benson receive much needed medical care. Benson had surgery and can walk again!

Auction Instructions
Auction Schedule: We hold an auction every other month (January, March, May, July, September & November) and it usually starts on the 2nd Thursday of the month.
- Register – YOU ONLY NEED TO REGISTER ONE TIME…not for each auction. It is just one page, quick and easy, and absolutely necessary. Once you’re in…you are all set unless your address changes. Asking a favor please, if your Facebook name is different from your name on the registration, enter your FACEBOOK NAME in the “Additional Information” area on the registration form. That will save me some time trying to confirm I am invoicing & sending to the right person. Link to registration form: https://lowriderrescue.org/auction-registration/
- Address Change – Please fill out a new registration form if you have a new address. In the “Additional Information” area on the registration form please put the DATE of your new address. Sometimes PayPal adds the new address but does not overwrite the old one. This way I can be sure the address I’m using is the correct one. Also, if you have time, please send an email to president@lowriderrescue.org with your new address as well. This helps me look for your new address in the system just to help confirm it.
- Find The Auction Album – There’s been some confustion about how to find the current auction. Firstly, you go to our AWESOME AUCTIONS group. Near the top of the page, you should see MEDIA on the menu (from your smart phone menu, scroll over to ALBUMS) from computer, click MEDIA, then click ALBUMS. Choose the proper album cover for the current month and scroll through the pictures of each item.
- Bidding – Now for the fun part…Bidding is in full dollar increments only (no cents, please) and should be entered in the COMMENT area under the listing. Please try not to place your bid in any “REPLY” area under a previous comment as sometimes we do not see those bids depending on the timing that they are made, and we don’t want to miss your bid!
Just a Tip: Bidding can begin as soon as you see the item posted…you do not have to wait for the specific starting date/time. It takes about 6 hours to load the entire auction, so I start loading the day before the auction is scheduled to begin.
- Invoicing/Payments – Once the auction has ended you will be tagged on the item posting for any item(s) that you won but please be sure to check the items that you bid on to confirm. It generally takes 5 to 7 days for us to email you an invoice you. Thank you for your patience. With over 200 items, it takes time to sort everyone’s winnings, pack them up and figure the shipping. Then we need to enter the information on the invoices.
PayPal (you can pay by credit card through PayPal). paypal.me/LowRiderRescueFL
We have Venmo: @LowRiderFL – please alert us if you are using Venmo.
Checks are accepted: Please make them out to: Low Rider Dachshund Rescue (or LRDR for short) and mail them to Low Rider Dachshund Rescue of Florida,13435 S. McCall Road, Unit 16, Box 135, Port Charlotte, FL 33981
- Donations – The most important part! We can only enjoy these auctions because YOU send us amazing donations to include. Let’s keep the fun going…it doesn’t have to be dachshund (or even dog-related) items, we like to include some other types of items for variety. Believe it or not some people have all the dog stuff they need but still want to participate (I know, it is hard to believe). We just ask that it be in New or Like New condition. Also, please keep the weight of your donations in mind. If it is a very heavy statue or item, it may not be the best for the auction—shipping charges make it difficult to include those items. If you do not see your item entered in an auction please understand that it may be held for the next auction.
Donations can be mailed to: LRDRFL: 13435 S. McCall Road, Unit 16 Box 135, Port Charlotte FL 33981